Sunday, August 9, 2009

Boring Sunday

sigh.. what a boring day today... plan to sleep to very late but didnt make it and wake up early at 9am... what a waste on such a lazy sunday..

Then plan to bring grandma to breakfast.. n again didnt make it.. finally went to church and get CMPC forms.. guess what form is that? a form which i myself also have doubt to attend or a form which will decide the future..

Later went to soh looi house to have a look, well she really plan it very well, and finally got her house start the painting job after a long wait for the cheapest contractor to finish renovating her house for almost 3 months..same goes to mine.. what a painful wait..and today she just told me i have white hair.. and not just one but many white hair.. what a pity...

From the very beginning planning to buy this house till today renovation .. i have manage to grow more and more white hairs.. good in a way i've learn a lot., where planning is very important, u have to let the contractor know where to knock and each and every measurement have to communicate clearly.. and bad in away i have become depressed and emotional.

Im still very sad to see my house in a mess and i have to handle it all alone.From sourcing to desicion making to regreting.. nothing but painful experience. Even though nobody blaming me for wrong doing still it's a painful experience. Im not very sure i'll make it a nice home to stay all i hope is at least it is comfortable to stay.. after all this hardwork..

Finally listening to music and childhood song it do comforts me a lot..thanks to music ...

Friday, July 10, 2009

We are the world

Today must be a super lazy day for me.. Nothing to do except online and eat the whole day..
listening to Micheal jackson "We are the World"..
It's the best of all the song i love.. Who else that love the music and showing love in such a wonderful music and lyrics than Micheal? He is truely one of the hero, same goes to Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa is so humble and loving and caring, Micheal share his love in music, touches many of our hearts ... thank god for i've got to know them..

"We are the World"
There comes a time When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all
We can't go on Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

[Chorus] We are the world We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me
Send them your heart So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

[Chorus] We are the world We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me
When you're down and out There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

[Chorus] We are the world We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

I Love u Micheal jackson..Thanks for all the beautiful song..
Let's start giving.. in kindness and with pure heart..

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Love my Stitch

Sometimes when i read newspaper about animal being abuse or abandon i feel really sad.. why is human always so selfish? when the puppy is small and cute everyone wanted to adopt or keep them as a pet.. but when they grew up or when they are sick people starts to abandon them or even ignore them.. come on lah.. human have feelings same goes to animal or our pets! As i listen from the FM, in Japan there is one dog who always waited for it's master to come home at the train station..everyday.. but one day the master die of stroke and never return home but the dog still waited for his master to return home from the train station everyday ...for 10 years!!! do u think your he or she will do that for you?.. i doubted.. but this dog waited for his master for 10 years.. he's such a loyal friend...
If u have time, no harm to read this story..Hachikō.. it touches my heart.. and i believe u too.. love our pets always...

Thursday, January 1, 2009



他对我的关心,疼惜, 与耐心都是无法言喻的。

感谢他对我的好, 也感谢他五年来的不离不弃。


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


上帝的祝福在于你信与不信,只要你相信,不气馁,不放弃, 一定会成功!





Thursday, December 25, 2008


今天是圣诞节,外公和舅舅,阿姨一家人都来到我们家吃圣诞晚餐. 大概下午六时正大舅和小舅还有外公和三姨一起到,大姨后来六时半到, 还好大家都还满准时到达, 要不然可饿死我! 因为想要减肥而少吃午餐的我可真的好饿!

当然, 妈妈今晚煮了她的拿手好菜- 加哩鸡和炒福建面, 从下午四点半煮到七时! 而大姨也煮了她的拿手好菜 “咋肉”, 三姨因为只和三姨丈来所以只买了批萨,还是买一送一, 真划!而大姐煮糖水, 煮的是六味糖水! 原本应该炖六至七个小时的糖水却应为大姐的健忘而只炖了四个小时!还好,还有味道,蛮好喝一下哈哈哈。。。。一下罢了!大舅买了加映萨爹!而小舅也卖了两公斤重的蛋糕,但不是圣诞蛋糕而是生日蛋糕! 因为表弟明年二月份会去当兵所以提早庆祝. 其实,今天的晚餐跟以往不一样,少了外公的海参肉,就少了那么一样东西,好像少了一份意义,以往每年的圣诞,大家都会用心煮一份晚餐,可能大家都太忙了吧,把圣诞节的意义都给忘了!

晚餐大概七点半开始,大家好像饿鬼似的吃得狼吞虎燕!妈妈的福建面第一个被吃光光!2公斤的面也!加哩鸡也在半个小时内吃剩骨头和加哩汁哈哈。。 好!萨爹也在一个小时内清光光(150枝)。“咋肉”也好吃。 表哥还一边吃一边埋怨大姨好久没煮“咋肉”。这是婆婆第一年和她的媳妇的家人一起庆祝圣诞节,看来她也很开心!婆婆信佛,从小婆婆就不喜欢妈妈,因为宗教信仰的关系,妈妈常被说不懂礼仪,说话直,每当妈妈被说不是时我们四兄弟姐妹心里都不好受!但我们不气馁, 一直努力做好本分,不被看扁!今天我们可谓“有为青年”!不负妈妈当年的一片苦心。。。而婆婆终于也明白虽然我们是天主教徒,但那一份孝敬她的心是永远不会变的。。

不管怎样,今天的圣诞晚餐是在热热闹闹的气氛下度过的!我们是在小嘉豪的蹦蹦跳跳及舅舅们的翻版DVD 的嘈闹声,还有谈话声和欢笑声中度过的。。而我的肚子也被萨爹,福建面,“咋肉”还有批萨给撑大!在加上糖水和蛋糕简直不能动!看来今晚又加多2公斤重!瘦这样东西越来越遥不可及! 正式宣布减肥失败!明年再来!哈哈。。。

日期:25/12/2008 (星期四)

人数:爸爸,妈妈,婆婆,大姐,姐夫,小嘉豪,弟,Barry, 我,外公
大姨,大表哥 表嫂,Edmond外甥,Sharon外甥女, 二表哥
大舅,Aaron 表弟
小舅,Mark 表弟

心情指数:星星星星星 呵呵。。。。

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Is Around the Corner

Time passes so fast that it's end of the year again..

When we were younger that time, this is the most waited day of the year, where we can go shopping and buy some new cloths, setting up Christmas tree (from 5 inches now 9 inches)receive Christmas gift from parents, exchanging gift among siblings, and go to grandparents house for a nice dinner (but without Turkey..)..attending Christmas eve mass with joyful Christmas song were wonderful and blessing..

Now when we grow older, the feelings of Christmas changes.. No longer exchange Christmas gift, no more excitement to go shopping for new cloths or gift.. as we all grow older. Christmas dinner has become a norm.. where no longer celebrating it in grandparents house, now aunt and uncle has to takes turn to prepare dinner in their house.. anyway i still feel blessed to celebrate Christmas with all my family members.. I remember that 1st year in University i celebrate Christmas in USM alone, due to the stupid lecture arrange the exam 2 days after Christmas, i were force to study in hostel, mum and dad plus sis and bro all went to Uncle Tony house to celebrate Christmas, and they were having BBQ, everyone was having fun except me.. i were sobbing alone in my room.. feel so lonely and kesian.. and since that day i swear i will not ever celebrate Christmas alone...

This year grandpa suggested to celebrate Christmas in our house, mum already decided to cook curry chicken and fried hokkian mee this is her 拿手菜, and asking all the aunt to prepare some food as well, but there's never a turkey in our Christmas and i didn't know why? This year Vincent wont be able to join us, as he's in Japan, well ...Vincent i hope you wont have the feeling i have before, go out and celebrate with your friends or else you'll feel home sick..however you can still send us Christmas gift ok frm Japan hahah!!!! Besides that, this year we have 1 new member joining us and he is Nicholas (my dearest nephew) to play with.... plan to buy him a gift too..hope he will like it.

Last but not least May this Christmas bring more joy and happiness to everyone, and fill this day with laughter and harmony. Peace on Earth and stop the killing of the innocence animals! Amen..